Friday, November 17

Cycling on Video

If you're not already aware, there are some rather decent cycling videos you can watch for free online. I've already pointed Mr. KP in this direction already, but I know a lot of people are unaware of (owned by Google who also owns this site, No, I don't work for Google (although I'd like to as they seem to really be taking over the Internet the same way Microsoft has a lock on operating software), but I handle online media planning for a living, so I'm online all the time as it's simply my job.

Okay, where were we? We were talking about cycling videos online, right? Check out the below links. FYI, if you have a dial-up connection, you may find yourself frustrated with a slow download time. In that event, let me offer you my sincerest apologies.

Here's a really good one about Lance and his former US Postal team:

(If you can't simply click on the above, copy and paste into your browser.)

Here's one of Jan Ullrich attacking during one of the Tour's mountain stages:

Another of Lance training:

And finally one titled VAS Road Cycling Reel:

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