Tuesday, June 5

Donaldson's Made A Mess Of It Again: Part Deux

Obviously, I'm not only fat, but I'm dumb, too.

This afternoon, Brooklyn Velo Force posted the results from Sunday's time trial on their web site and, after reviewing the data, I neither completed six laps nor averaged 17.3 MPH (as per my previous post).

According to the spreadsheet I downloaded, the course was 2.2 miles long which covered 11.1 miles over the five laps.

Here's the news.

Out of 28 riders in the Men's Cannibal class, I finished in 27th place. I know, that sucks, but you saw the picture below--I need to drop some pounds.

Further, 27th place meant I finished the 11.1 miles in 33:32. (28th place finished in 34:13, so ha!) That also means I averaged 19.86 MPH. And that means my computer does NOT need to be calibrated. That's a relief because I'd have no idea how to go about doing something like that.

So despite my earlier concerns, here are the official stats:

Split Times

Lap 1: 6:28
Lap 2: 6:43
Lap 3: 6:43
Lap 4: 6:49
Lap 5: 6:49

I'm happy I was able to ride somewhat consistently, but the fact that I rode progessively slower doesn't say much, does it?

As an FYI, the guy with the best time finished the course in 23:29 and averaged 28.36 MPH. That's big time. The fastest woman did it in 27:32 and averaged 24.19 MPH. That's big time, too.

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