Monday, May 4

Is That Lester? The Crazy Polish Guy?

The other day, I was updating the Jim Boyd points page on when I spotted this name on the bottom of the list for the B Field. Check it out. (If you can't see the name on the bottom of the list clearly, just click on the picture and it'll expand.)

I think it was last summer that I bumped into Lester in Central Park. I even wrote a quick post about it and you can read about that here. So again, when I saw that Polish-looking name on the bottom of the list, I thought, "You know, that might be crazy Lester from Staten Island."

With that tucked away in the back of my head, I was online last night checking results and pics from the recent Jiminy Peak road race and, sure enough, I find this which, to me, looks a lot like Lester, doesn't it?

Am I right or am I wrong? I was sitting here thinking, "That's gotta be him."

A little further down the page, I see another pic, but the guy's not riding Lester's usual yellow Trek. Anyone know if Lester upgraded to this blue machine?

Further, it's hard for me to tell if it actually is Lester from this photo considering (a) I usually only see him from behind (which means I smell him more than I see him with all that aftershave), and (b) this guy's in the small chainring. When was the last time you saw Lester in the small chainring?

Finally, on the bottom of the page, I found a final picture that might be Lester yet considering the paragraph immediately above this one, I just can't tell if it's actually him.

I mean, that's him, right? Can someone let me know?

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