First, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, this total piece of white trash struck and killed two cyclists while injuring a third.

How? Apparently, the LCA (that’s acronym for Low Class Asshole) was drinking and driving behind the wheel of her big, bad SUV (that’s LCA for Sport Utility Vehicle) . . . at four in the afternoon. If drinking while driving at four in the afternoon is not a total indication of actually being an LCA then I don’t know what is.
You can read more about it HERE, although apparently, this ugly bitch swerved off the road onto the shoulder, struck the three cyclists, and then continued driving. When another driver tried to stop her, she attempted to keep driving. It wasn’t until other drivers forced her to stop did she actually stop.
Yet she claims she doesn’t remember hitting anyone or anything. If that’s true, Ms. LCA, then why not just pull over? Why try to get away?
Here’s to hoping she does some time and gets raped in prison by several overwhelmingly large African-American women on a frequent basis. (And I only mention the women as African-Americans for one reason: since this women is a LCA, there’s no doubt she’s racist, so it’ll hurt that much more when a group of taunting, laughing black women shove a broomstick up her ass.)
Apart from the LCA in Tulsa, did everybody hear about this Brian Dooda character? I found this on This douche was riding in Central Park around 5 PM a few days ago, holding up vehicular traffic in the left-hand lane when he should have been riding in the bike lane and, when a driver cut him off, he caught up to the driver at the next light and stood in front of the driver’s car to lecture him about his unsafe driving habits.
Before I go any further, here’s a pic of Dooda:

As the story goes, without waiting for Dooda to move out of the way, the driver then started driving again at 5 - 10 MPH with Dooda clinging to the hood while he begged the driver to stop.
Now upon first reading Dooda’s account, my immediate reaction was that the driver was another LCA psycho. Yet upon reading more of the story, thinking it through, and actually seeing that pic of Dooda and that ridiculous hair on his lip, I’m almost siding with the driver. Granted, Dooda probably deserved a few harsh words, perhaps a slap in the face for acting like an uppity bitch, but nobody should be carried along on a hood while some nut job drives down Park Drive.
That’s me, though. You decide.
Then there’s this professional, Bert Grabsch. I’m sure I’ve heard the name before, yet until the other day, I had never seen the guy. Earlier this week, though, while watching the opening prologue for the Dauphine Libere, I actually saw the rolling mass of muscle that is Bert Grabsch.
Could this guy be any bigger? This guy makes Lester look like . . . me.
You can watch a video of Grabsch winning the World Time Trial championship HERE (because, apparently, Universal Sports doesn't like anyone embedding their video coverage outside of YouTube).

Next up? CRCA club race tomorrow. At 5:45 in the AM. You know, I love riding my bike, but dragging myself out of bed at 4:45 AM to race?
Put a gun to my head and paint the wall with my frigging brains.
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