Saturday, June 13

Priceless Post

Just came across this on

Questionable Decisions

-Speaking of Kohl again, one of his claims in the l’Equipe interview was that his manager, Stefan Matschiner, handled his blood transfusions at the Tour. Matschiner would apparently fly to France while the blood bag thawed out in the hold. At the hotel, Kohl would steal away to Stefan’s hotel room for 20 minutes for the transfusion. All of this begs the question:

Are you f__king nuts?

Relying on Easyjet’s cargo hold to manage a temperature-controlled thaw of a living bodily tissue that you will reinject and which could KILL you if it goes bad is not my idea of sound decision-making. Although the whole process does speak highly of Matschiner’s phlebotomy skills should he be in need of a second career, post-prison.

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