Monday, July 6

Day One in the Bag

Well, day one is pretty much behind us as I lay here in what's supposed to be a two-man tent but the guy sleeping next to me keeps rubbing up against my leg.

I'm joking, of course. Just me and my lonesome in here. Just after 10 PM mountain time. Everyone else has wisely packed it in for the night after a relatively long day of riding just outside of Bryce Canyon National Park and here I lay, typing furiously on my Blackberry to bring you one utterly thrilling update after another.

The riding? The riding is fantastic around here and the scenery is even more fantastic. Pictures will follow shortly--I'll most likely post the best ones on a photo-sharing site early next week--so until then, you get these lame yet frrquent updates.

Back to the riding, though. We started out on a terrific red-rock trail. Eight of us patrons and three Western Spirit guides: Heather, Tim, and Ben. Immediately, the trail kicked up steep enough to require some short, full-gas effort. Huffing and wheezing at 7,200 feet of altitude, I was thinking, "God, I'm really dogging out here."

Luckily yet unfortunately all at the same time, we made very frequent stops during the day. We actually stopped way too much in my opinion as, each time we stopped, we stopped for at least ten minutes. At times, we were stuck behind some folks riding horses along the singletrack trail and at other times, we were simply waiting for some of those in the group to catch up. And I don't say that in a complaining tone--there was a fair amount of technical uphills and downhills which slowed down almost all of us. Much more technical than I expected, honestly.
All in all, fourteen miles of riding, although that took us several hours. Still, a good day as we all stayed together until the last climb of the day. We were back on pavement and had about a mile of uphill back to camp. Our guide Heather is incredibly strong and when she hit the afterburners, it was just the two of us. I sat on her wheel thinking two things: "I wonder if she can her me wheezing back here," and, "If this chick goes any faster than this, I'm just gonna friggin' sit up."

More to come tomorrow.

Buenos nochas, amigos.

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