Tomorrow’s a rest day. I may hop on the trainer to do some light spinning considering I neglected to ride Wednesday night due to the Ranger’s game, but doing so really depends on whether or not anything more interesting comes up before taking the train home tomorrow evening.
Saturday, I think I’m going to hop on a B ride that leaves from Goldens Bridge which is a few miles north of here. Since I struggled with the B+ pace last week, maybe I won’t feel like I’m going to die by the end of this ride (maybe being the operative word there).
Oh, I forgot. Before leaving work tomorrow, I think I’ll join the USA Cycling organization so I can begin racing whenever and wherever. Right now, the plan is to start getting in Category 5 local races once the weather begins to improve, possibly by mid-May. I get the feeling that failing to join the USA Cycling organization wouldn’t be all that big of a deal when registering for races, although I know that eventually I’ll come into contact with some bureaucratic tool who won’t let me race if I’m not an existing member, so for the few bucks a year, it’s not worth the potential hassle.
And then on Sunday, the plan right now is to either (a) do some mountain biking if the weather holds out (and let’s pray to whoever we pray to that it does), or (b) drive up to Bear Mountain and spend a few hours killing myself on the long climb up there. While I’ve been riding all winter, it’s time to really kick myself in the ass to get ready for the rest of the spring and summer. If anybody has any interest in joining me up there, leave a comment and we’ll set it up.
Finally, what the hell is up with this guy?

I read about this kid not too long ago and what strikes me about him is the fact that he weighs all of ninety pounds or so. Have you ever seen a picture of this kid just walking along? Would somebody tell this kid to get the EPO needle out of his ass and give him a few Big Macs? I say EPO as, judging from his diminutive frame, the kid’s obviously not on the growth hormone regimen.
Despite Brajkovic’s lack of a single upper-body muscle, Team Discovery seems to be kicking some cycling ass since Leipheimer’s victory at the Tour of California. Since they’re losing Discovery as their title sponsor, Johan Bruyneel is probably taking it into his own hands to personally inject each of his team leaders with the performance-enhancing cocktails necessary to ensure they win some races, get some good PR coverage, and all but ensure they find another sponsor to cough up a few million to bankroll the 2008 season. Or perhaps Bruyneel simply pulled Brajkovic aside and explained, “Look, chicken wing, get out there and do what it is we pay you to do--win! And gain some weight, you skinny f#ck. I'm getting sick and tired of looking at you like that."
1 comment:
Well written article.
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